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About wax
Plain candles
Floating candles
Scented candles
Birthday candles
Tea light
Candle accessories
Candle holders
Marriage-baptism taper
Advertisting Candles
Christmas candle
Easter candles
Easter candles
Anti-mosquito candles
Advertisment about us

Shipping Policy

Shipments outside of the Athens area are sent COD. by truck. We do not recommend shipments by post, due to the delicate nature and the weight of the merchandise. Pre-paid orders are eligible for a 3% discount. Minimum order of 100 Euros is required.
A delivery service within the Athens area is not available. Your order may be picked up at our headquarters, by appointment, Monday-Friday from 8:00 AM to 6:00 PM, and Weekends from 8:00 AM to 1:00 PM.

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